Monday, July 8, 2024
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GyanBizz is a platform where you can come across, respond of number of uncertainties & queries as we have the panel of proficient team who endlessly route the flow of information @ our blogging site.

Gyanbizz Works as A BRIDGE BETWEEN PEOPLE & CAREER. We got through our self recognizable with entire concern by means of our 15+ years experience and found out the good time to help the public issues. I am talking regarding the issues that take place in the people’s entire life like Jobs & Career issues, Education & Study issues, Industry and Recruitments issues, Financial Management issues etc & they construct their entire life as a nightmare.

So We People have built our self on Website, YouTube, LinkedIn, face book, Instagram, Quora etc. You can approach us anywhere. We are here to help you.

Ashok Maurya (Managing Director)

  • @
  • @ IT Cottage Pvt. Ltd
  • @ LivOn Tech Institute of Computer Education


  • @Advocap Solutions (Advocate Diary)
  • @AS Webworks
  • @VITS Academy

I have served for 15+ years to the nation and converted the number of students in to employee and placed them in reputed companies all over the India. I primarily covered the region of career and development. I found some genuine, rightful and authentic concerns of all learners.  The concerns were that after getting graduation degree, they start to face difficulties/competitions/negativities and de-motivation from society including families, because of not having employment. They started to find themselves ineligible to endure more in this world. So after bringing together some industrial experiences, I have established this blog site so I can assist all those neediest who are looking for better platform.

Father of a Baby BOY & a Baby GIRL, Husband to a superwoman, Son and Brother of The Doctors, was a Corporate Trainers, curved into Recruiter & Career Coach. Later than, I Came together with cluster of experiences and now I am the Full Time Blogger.

My Principle Quote:

You Don’t Get What You Want!!!
You Only Get What You are!!!
:Swami Viveka Nand